What are you here to do today?
License a pet for the first time
I’ve never licensed a pet with the Township of Woolwich before.
Questions about your local pet licensing program? We've got answers, visit our FAQ.
For questions about your DocuPet account, consult our Help Center.

Report a found pet
Please enter the Alphanumeric Code (Tag ID) below.
If you cannot find a match, please contact our HomeSafe® Team at 1-855-249-1370
so we can help get this pet home quickly!
You (and your pet) are making a difference
Your pet’s licence is the ultimate conduit for animal welfare.

Pet licences fund local animal welfare initiatives

Lost pets with a valid licence return home faster

…which opens up shelter space for the animals that need it

100% of your pet’s licence fee goes to the Township of Woolwich

20% of designer tag sales provide additional funding for animal welfare
Click here to learn more about why pet licensing is important.